The way you controll the character, was, at best, klunky. Playing the game, just didn't feel smooth, there is so much more you could have done to improve it. The sound was ok, for mood setting, except, the kid. The little kid doing the chanting, wasn't 'scary' it was annoying. You want scary ambience? Check out Half-Life, Doom, Wolfenstein, Castlevenia, Fear. (esp that last one) Also, the most pathetic attempt at scaring the player, was the most obvious, the random dead-face pop-ups. Some people are jumpy, others aren't, but, no matter who's playing, or whether they are jumpy or arent', the faces, just detract from the game. Tighten up the interface, the controll set-up was great, just didn't feel right when playing with it (not smooth, just, ugh, find some way to make it smoother, talk to the guys who made games like ThingThing, or Chaos, or Tom and them who made Alien Homined, those are good examples of smooth interfacing) Also. . . . maybe look for a better story. Castle Wolfenstein kinda drove the whole third reich dead-zombie thing into the ground, as well as countless b horror movies.